Active Maths
We’re very excited to welcome Motty to our school. He’s enjoyed joining the children in their active Maths sessions. At Thornton, children take part in a variety of fun and active activities which include mental arithmetic challenges.
Summer Strawberry Jam and Lemon Curd
At Thornton we celebrate our arithmetic achievements. Once we pass four sheets in a row we awarded with a certificate. Here are some of our Summer winner so far. Well done!
Times Tables Rockstars
We have launched Times Tables Rockstars at Thornton this year. Each week a different class enters the hall of fame for working really well on their times tables.
World Maths Day
To celebrate World Maths Day this year, we’ve been reading different stories inspired by Maths. Throughout the school we got the chance to read ‘A Place for Zero’ and ‘How Big is a Million?’ We also read ’10 is a Snail and One is a Crab’ in Reception.
They were fantastic and we really enjoyed reading stories which were Maths related. The work helped to inspire Y4/5 to start to make their own stories which were Maths related and Reception children thought about what other animals could represent different numbers. Y2 and Y3 were amazed at just how big one million is and the children used 'A Place for Zero' to inspire their place value work.
Multiplication at home
Try practising your multiplication skills at home with the following link:
Can you beat your score?
Helping your child with Maths
Please click on the link at the top of the page to access the calculations policy. This will tell you how we teach the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). This will help you to support your child at home.
Please see Mr Simpson (Maths subject leader) if you have any questions.
World Maths Day
This week we celebrated World Maths Day by exploring Maths using jelly beans. Each class read the book 'How Many Jelly Beans' and had the opportunity to see what one million jelly beans would look like. We all had a great time exploring different jelly bean related Maths challenges.