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Absence Request Policy

Term-time holidays are intended only for children whose parents are unable to take holiday at any other time.


The Policy of Thornton Primary School is NOT to grant leave of absence for a holiday other than in the most exceptional circumstances. Time off school for family holidays is not a right. An application must be made in writing, with appropriate evidence, in advance of the intended holiday.


The law states that schools should not authorise leave of absence unless:

ü An application has been made in advance by the parent with whom the pupil normally resides AND

ü The Head teacher considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.

Thornton Primary School will only consider authorising holidays for (exceptional circumstances):

  • service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking holidays out of term-time;
  • when a family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis;
  • parents who are subject to a strict and un-negotiable holiday rota and evidence is provided to this effect.

Requests for holidays for the following reasons will not be authorised:

  • cheaper cost of holiday;
  • availability of the desired accommodation;
  • poor weather experienced in school holiday periods; and
  • overlap with beginning or end of term.

Thornton Primary School will respond to all requests for a leave of absence in writing giving the reasons for the decision.

Thornton Primary School will NOT authorise a holiday during periods of national tests ie: SATs examinations.
