Autumn 2022
We have had a wonderful term completing our DT projects. Y1, Y4 and Y6 have had the opportunity to cook a variety of healthy dishes, which the children all thoroughly enjoyed. In Y5, the children have used corrugated plastic to build traffic lights before using IT to power the LED lights. Y3 built bird feeders and Y1 made mechanisms, including moving pictures and sliders.
Spring Term
We have completed some fantastic tasks this term throughout the school. In Reception the children explored how chocolate melted when it's warmed, added cornflakes and then made chocolate crispy nests. We also had fun making and testing our own pinwheels. Y1 learnt how to play ‘Tic Tac Toe’ and practised making a running stitch. They then planned and made a Tic Tac Toe game using felt and evaluated their designs. Finally they had fun playing against each other! Y2 researched how wheels and axels work. Then they planned a vehicle design which used wheels and axels and built their designs. Finally they evaluated their designs. Y3 learnt about levers and linkages and had fun making their own moving picture! First they drew a prototype and made it using split pins and card. Then they designed a great moving picture linked to their previous rainforest topic. Y4 designed and made their own musical instruments and Y5 made moving toys using cam and follower mechanisms. Y6 made some amazing moving fairground rides using real motors! They had great fun, even though it was very tricky.
Autumn Term
The Autumn term was very busy this year. We had lots going on in school, including lots of work involving electrical circuits in KS2. Y3/4 designed their own Christmas tree which used an electrical circuit and light bulbs to light up the star. Y4/5 used their coastal themed work to inspire them as they designed lighthouses. They used their teamwork skills to design and evaluate them. Their electrical circuits used switches and they even found places to hide the wires.