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Computing and Online Safety

Computing at Thornton Primary School

Access to Websites and Filtering


At Thornton Primary School, our filtering systems do not allow children to access a website until it has been through the filtering process and has therefore been considered safe for use. 


At Thornton Primary School, children access age appropriate educational websites, such as:

  • TT Rockstars 
  • BBC Bitesize
  • Nessy
  • Maths Frame

Hour of Code 2023 and Internet Legends


This December we have taken part in the Hour of Code at Thornton Primary School. We had a great time using our coding skills and taking part in a variety of activities. Having a go at these tasks have really helped us to develop our coding skills. 


Years 1-6 have also taken part in a wonderful Internet Legends assembly. We had the opportunity to impress everyone in our class and our teachers by sharing top tips for ways to stay safe online. Y2 have had a great time learning to write blogs. Head over to the Y2 page to see our Christmas Nativity themed blog. 

Autumn 2022


This half-term, the school has focused on online safety. We have all spent time learning about different ways in which we can stay safe when we are online, as well as ways in which we can ask for help if we are ever concerned about how we are feeling when we are online. It has also been great to use our Computing skills alongside other subjects from across the curriculum.  

Wake Up Wednesday


At Thornton, one of the ways we promote online safety is through the use of our Wake Up Wednesdays. Every Wednesday parents receive a useful information guide for ways to help children learn about staying safe online. Please contact Mr. Simpson if you would like further information about this. 

Computing Spring Term


We've taken part in some very exciting Computing work this term at Thornton! We have all taken part in Internet Safety Day, where we completed lots of tasks helping us learn how to stay safe online. We also have a very special visit from Google this term who are coming to speak to us about using the internet safey-we're very excited! We also have our new online safety posters displayed around the school which help us to remember some of our key learning.


Please have a look at some photos of our learning from this term.

Our Amazing Display 


We have a fantastic Online Safety display in school with work from all our year groups. There are lots of examples of great learning as well as some useful tips for how to stay safe online. 

Some more amazing work from the Summer Term

Safer Internet Day 2021


This year we took part in Safer Internet Day remotely via Google Classroom. Each year group took part in different activities. The theme this year was 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world' and the children had the opportunity to explore this during their Computing learning. The children learnt about different ways to identify whether or not information they see online is reliable and how this makes them feel. The children also had the opportunity to talk about who they could talk to when they read and watch content online which they feel doesn't represent the truth. 

Hour of Code 2021

We've been celebrating Hour of Code this term at Thornton. We've taken part in lots of different coding activities across the school. 

                                     Autumn Term Computing 


It's been a very busy Autumn at Thornton. The children have completed lots of exciting Computing work across the school. Y1 and Y2 have been exploring unplugged algorithms and have made a variety of routes for beebots to follow. They verbally instructed one another where to direct their beebot before programming them. 


As part of their Hour of Code week, Y3/4 created code to help A.I with recognising things which are safe to be in the ocean and things which are a threat to the life there. We made sure that we spent lots of time teaching the A.I and debugging anything it learnt which was wrong. We had to ensure we gave the A.I as much data as possible in order to train it really well.

Online Safety Links


If you have any concerns regarding your child and e-safety, please use the links below to report or 

find out more information. Please also report to the safeguarding team at Thornton (Mrs Acton or Mr Simpson)


By clicking on the icons below, it will automatically take you to the appropriate website (we are not responsible for any content found on external websites).                                   

NSPCC assembly

During the Autumn term we had a visit from the NSPCC who talked to us all about staying safe online. We discussed who we can talk to if we are ever worried about anything. We also talked about all of the wonderful things you can do online and why the internet is such a useful tool.

Google Assembly 


During the Spring term we were visited by Google! The children took part in an interactive assembly teaching them to be safe and confident explorers of the online world. We helped to create strong and secure passwords and spotted online fraud. We made sure that we were internet sharp, alert, secure, kind and brave. We're very happy to have become internet legends!

Online Safety Day 2019 

During the Spring term here at Thornton, it’s been Online Safety Day. We’ve all been taking part in activities across the school, including our whole school assembly. We all got together and shared our ideas about how to stay safe online. We also thought about all of the amazing things that we can do online and how amazing it can be when used properly and safely.


We then spent time in our classrooms thinking more about online safety. Y4/5 researched online safety and spent the morning reading information texts about the online world. Along with Y6, Y4/5 also thought about what information they would feel comfortable sharing with people in a shop window and how this is the same online. Y1 learnt a great song about staying safe online and were able to sing it to help teach others about online safety.  

Key Stage Two Pupils - Acceptable IT Use Form

Safer Internet Day Presentation 2020

Online Safety tips for parents

Still image for this video

Is my child's app safe?

Please use the following websites to see how suitable apps are for your child to use.

