Welcome to Friends of Thornton Home Page!
Dear Parents & Friends,
The Friends of Thornton (FOT) is a group of parents/carers and staff who meet regularly and organise events to raise money for the school.
In the past we have raised money to buy outside play equipment, musical instruments, a sand pit, full school kit for sports events, new chairs for the hall, the big screen in the hall and many other items which have been used across the curriculum.
Organising events such at the Summer fayre and Christmas Disco takes a HUGE amount of time and effort and we rely heavily on the goodwill of parents, families of the children, staff and especially on the Friends of Thornton members who start planning these events months in advance. You can also help by donating your time to help, maybe help with a stall at the events. As a parent, you are automatically a member of the Friends of Thornton. We also rely heavily on donations, of gifts, cakes & time in order to make events a success and something you will want to attend.
I know it must seem that we are constantly asking for donations, but without them we would simply not be able to put on enjoyable events.
So please, think of us when you’re having a pre-Christmas or summer clear out for possible raffle and tombola prizes, also when you are out and about there are some fantastic offers in the shops and supermarkets at the moment, no gift is too big or too small.
I am happy for you to contact me by email – friendsofthornton@outlook.com
We’re also on Facebook find us at www.facebook.com/friendsofthorntonps
Thank you
Parent Volunteers
We know not everyone has the time to be fully part of the Friends of Thornton but if you can ever assist at one of our events then please get in touch via the school office or alternatively using our contact details below.
If you are however interested in giving some time towards the Friends of Thornton, then please pick an information pack up from the school office, have a read and complete the form and we will be in touch. We are always looking for new members and would be glad to have you as part of the team.
Contact us -
Email - friendsofthornton@outlook.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/friendsofthorntonps